Friday, December 5, 2008

Cluck Cluck

We've all heard the saying that goes something like this: You can take the kid out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the kid. This story proves it.
In the summer of 2001 Craig came back to Texas after moving to the east coast to visit me. I think this was the summer before Craig's senior year in high school. I had been married a couple of years and was working exclusively in real estate. Craig and I hung out a lot playing soccer and going back to the old homestead so Craig could visit some of his old amigos.
We were returning to where I live and as we entered the subdivision we saw a few workers who were taking a siesta under the corner store's tree chasing a loose chicken. I immediately stopped in the middle of the street to let Craig out and I parked in the corner store. Craig chased the chicken over to the country club's pond across the street to back over towards the corner store on the median of the subdivision's entrance. It appeared that Craig had it cornered so I took off in my car to get my fishing nets with poles. Upon returning, I tossed the net to Craig who quickly captured the chicken. By now many people were looking on as this was all taking place in the entrance of my neighborhood. I rolled down the window to allow Craig to get in the car and let the chicken hang out of the car as we drove to my home. The workers who had thought to take the chicken home with them expressed their disappointment that we beat them to it.
As we now drove home with our latest find many people kept pointing and staring to the nice Infiniti with a chicken hanging out of the window. During this time, Craig and I were talking about how awesome it was that we had caught a chicken and we started calling it Cluck Cluck right from the start. When we got to my home, we went in the back yard to let Cluck Cluck run around. I went inside to get something for Cluck Cluck to eat and found a box of Cheerios that we hadn't eaten in quite a while. Cluck Cluck loved them! We didn't have to cage him or any thing. He just walked around doing what Cluck Cluck did best.
Soon Craig returned to the east coast and I continued to leave Cheerios in the backyard for Cluck Cluck. He stayed for at least a week after Craig left and would always be on top of my fence checking things out. I've never taken those nets fishing but they've served me well in filling my backyard with chickens, turtles, craw fish, and whatever else may not fall out of them before I get home.


Brian said...

Andy - I am glad to have finally gotten the story of Cluck Cluck (part 1 as we later discovered). I still need to hear the story of Cluck Cluck 2 from all involved. Also, I want multiple perspectives from the Pheasant incident. Especially from Craig. Have a pheasant plucking day!

Tracethenfold said...

merry christmas to you to Jennifer. are there any pets you'd put up with?