Sunday, March 7, 2010

Possible Re-hash

Maybe this has been discussed before, but I really used to enjoy the cropdusters. Not everybody gets an aerobatics show over their backyard every Saturday at way-too-early a.m. I remember when they would make the aluminum panels on our roof rattle as they buzzed the trailer on their way under the powerlines barely more than 200 feet from my bed. I remember seeing them clearly and them waving as they pulled up after their insane death-defying acts of fertilization and pest slaughter. Once, there was a loud cracking sound, and a cardboard square with a 12' white streamer fluttered down as the plane passed overhead. Perhaps it was there on the off-chance the commies invaded and locked on as he sprayed our yard with DDT - he had his chaff READY. At any rate, it made my day.

It was a sad day indeed when they stopped flying under the lines - opting (I'm sure out of orders) to fly over the lines - leaving 2 or 3 passes to be done parallel to the powerlines. It was too cool - and I wonder why my kids haven't gotten into airplanes - they don't get the airshow!