Tuesday, February 24, 2009


When I was younger and would walk home from the bus stop on those blustery winter days - you know the ones where it got down to the 50's or even lower - I would always hope Mom had thought to put some water on the stove for hot chocolate. She never did, but she would offer that we could make our own. That, of course, was pointless because I would be warm by the time it was ready.

That being said, sometimes I would walk in the door - on a cold day or otherwise, and that wonderful aroma of Mom's bread would fill me up. Those were great days to come home. Mom's bread, I have later determined, has always been the cornerstone of her cooking reputation. It was so good to come home to.

I used to love grabbing a loaf so hot that it hurt to hold on to and using our Amway knife to cut a fat slice. When it was hot, it was extra soft, so thick slices were required to keep it from squishing permanently. Then I would slather on butter - well, margarine - and just take it all in. I loved the smell and texture and taste. MMmmmmmmmmmm breeaaaddd.

How have we not talked about this before?


Chanda said...

That was painful to read--I want some fresh baked bread! It made the best french toast as well. And speaking of the bus stop--my fantasy, while riding the bus home, was that mom would pick us up at the bus stop in an air conditioned car and have McDonald milkshakes waiting for us. That of course never happened either. But can you imagine? On those frying hot days when you could see mirages?

Alison said...

Oh man this makes me miss you guys so much!! I try to make my own bread but it is never the same. And remember the sandwiches you could make with that stuff?

Brian said...

Sandwiches from Mom's bread weighed about 4 pounds I think. I used to take like 30 minutes crafting the perfect sandwich on Saturdays - especially when everyone else was out. It was stupendelicious.

Rugo said...

Man, and honestly, I miss the Brumell and Brown margarine, butter just doesnt do it for me. I loved to rip off a steaming hunk, slap on a cold piece of cheese and meat and just devour it.

Tracethenfold said...

and who can forget pinch bread? it always seemed to taste sweeter that way.