Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Alternative Rock in the Trailer Park

Although some people think people like me are a myth, I'm not a music person. I don't often go out of my way to listen to music, and even less often pay for it (this is a trait inherited from Mom and Dad that it seems only me and Tracy got). What music I do like (and still listen to) I started liking when I was 6: early 90's alternative. I could sing the words (under great protest from musical geniuses like Craig and Brian who claimed I wasn't doing justice to the original masterpiece) to quite a few Offspring and Sublime songs. Cake, Nirvana, Beck, Everclear - these were my musical world. Needless to say, this wasn't the doing of my 6-year-old self, this was because I shared a room with Andy, Brian and Craig and that's what they listened to. Brian and I were talking last summer and we came to the conclusion that music peaked in 1994. Thus, the roots of my bizarre musical taste are exactly where the rest of my roots are, firmly embedded in thick, black, Texan gumbo.


Martin Andrews said...

What?! No rap in dem roots? Every time Mom and Dad would leave, I would put in some kind of Hip Hop or Rock they wouldn't approve of. You were much younger then though. Developing your music tastes from Brian and Craig is like liking leftovers more than the main meal itself!

C-rish said...

so true! mom likes music but she is not really into it. but dad.....he just said that music was a conversation killer like last week!
i thought you would like music, knowing that you were in the band through high school.

Chanda said...

Conversation killer, love it.
I'm not majorly into music either. I REALLY like silence. Woo, that sounds a lot like dad. In college I used to really like going dancing at various clubs or school dances. Nowadays I listen to music pretty much just when I'm exercising. And classical stuff on Sunday. I realize I sound like a complete dud.

Brian said...

Dud - yup. BTW, 1994 was definitely the peak of music. I can list off why for any curious.

It is funny how different music attached to each of us - but it is basically the same with cars. Only, half of us like cars at all.

What isn't surprising is that none of us got into the various forms of "Tejano." I think I got my lifetime fill of up and down bass with accordian [sic?] jams layered over the top of a horn section. Ouch.

Tracethenfold said...

How dare you call Dove Meadows a trailer park! show some respect, tim! you're right about me though. all i say when i hear a song is that i do or don't like it. bands, styles, times, albums, don't matter. i either like or dislike a song only when i hear it.