Sunday, January 11, 2009

Making Money

Ya'll remember selling snowcones to the neighbor kids out of the wagon? I would also ride down to the Handy Stop, buy candy, sort it out in an egg carton, and sell it to you boys at a premium. I loved that. And then there were the months (years?) I babysat for Steve and Janet on a weekly basis. 2 whopping dollars an hour. Endless hours of Barney. Weird smelling house. Naked people. Hated it. Other than a few other babysitting gigs the only other job I had while under the age of 18 was hostessing at Steak and Ale. Very fun, lots of cat fights, sexual harassment and drama. And you all? How did you scrounge money as a child? Stay tuned, my next post will be the famous Craig pushing me through the window story.


Rugo said...

Virtually my singular source of income was my report card. The standard rate was a dollar and A, so I got all A's and made like 10 bucks every six weeks. The money was subsequently carefully horded and saved for transformers and battletech toys. :P

Jennifer said...

I know how Andy got some of his money - Bryce Holloway paid for every date we went on.

Brian said...

Well, there was mowing. Of course, that was never worth it. I didn't start making money until I started reffing soccer. In Jersey I got a reputation as an excellent 10-year-old ref. Yelling parents, under the table cash, random yellow cards with suppressed laughter - total fun.

Tracethenfold said...

don't forget money we got for mowing the scary excuse we had for grass. of course, for me it all was slurped up into the mandatory summer camp fund.

Martin Andrews said...

Thats when a dimebag meant something!

Snickers and Root Beer

Brian said...

What are you talking about? Were you selling dimebags for money?